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楽譜 ヴェッケルラン/ベルジュレット〜牧歌集(18世紀のロマンスとソング)(【80627】/50326120/ED901/声楽(英訳:Sigmund Spaeth)/輸入楽譜(T))
楽譜 ヴェッケルラン/ベルジュレット〜牧歌集(18世紀のロマンスとソング)(【80627】/50326120/ED901/声楽(英訳:Sigmund Spaeth)/輸入楽譜(T))
関連words:G. Schirmer/Par un matin / One Morning/L'Amour s'envole / Cupid Flies Away 愛は飛び去る/Menuet d'Exaudet / Exaudet's Minuet/O ma tendre musette / Gentle and sweet musette やさしきミュゼット/Que ne suis-je la fougere / Would that I could be the lowly fern ぼくがシダの葉だったら/Chantons les amours de Jean / Oh Let us sing of the love of John/Bergere legere / Capricious shepherd-maid/Aminte (Tambourin) / Aminta (Dance-Song)/Jeune Fillette / Maiden remember 若い娘/Maman dites-moi / Mother please explain ママン、教えて/Non je n'irai plus au bois / No I'll not go to the wood/Philis plus avare que tendre / Phyllis the Greedy/Non je ne crois pas / No I don't believe/Trop aimable Sylvie (Tambourin) / Sylvia how I adore you! (Dance Song)/Venez agreable printemps / Oh come again beautiful Spring/Je connais un berger discret / Well I know a shepherd true/Nanette / Nanette/Chaque chose a son temps / Everything in its time/Lisette / Lisette/La mere Bontemps / Good Old Granny
ママン 楽天通販